Call For Articles
IOARP Journal of Communication and Networks aims to provide an opportunity to the scientists, researchers, engineers, physicists, applied mathematicians, and practitioners to publish their high-quality research on fundamental advances, the current state of the technology, outcomes of ongoing research, and emerging issues in the domains of communication and networks.
We are particularly interested in publishing cutting-edge communication and networks research converging with the domains such as; engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, and life, health, and biomedical sciences. Authors are invited to submit their contributions in form of theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative, and critical methods on all topics of communication and networks including but not limited to the following;
- Network protocol and standards
- QoS, reliability & performance modelling
- Management, monitoring, and diagnosis of networks
- Biologically inspired communication
- Cross-layer optimization and cross-functionality designs
- Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination
- Fault tolerance, dependability, reliability, and localization of fault
- Network architecture
- Simulation, modelling and analysis and performance evaluations
- E and M-Commerce
- Information and communications technologies
- Peer-to-peer and Machine-to-Machine communications
- Optical communication and networks
- Multimedia communications & networks
- Grids and large-scale distributed systems
- Smart home and living
- Multiple access techniques and spread spectrum
- Modulation, coding and diversity
- Multi-hop and cooperative communications
- Interference and multi-user detection
- Radio resource management and allocation
- Cognitive and software defined radio
- Space-Time, MIMO and adaptive antennas
- Signal processing for wireless communications
- Physical and link layer protocols
- Energy-efficient communication protocols
- Low power communication technologies
- Green communications architectures and frameworks
- Ad Hoc, sensor and mesh networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- 3G/4G systems, WiMAX, WLAN and WPAN
- Emerging issues in 3G and 4G networks
- Bluetooth and 802.11 standards
- Wireless telemedicine and e-health
- Cooperative wireless communications
- Communications software and services
- Regulations and standards and spectrum management
- Wireless network security and privacy
- Cryptography and network security
- Satellite & space communications
- Pervasive computing
- Social networks
- Cloud computing
- Big Data & Internet of Things
- Content & Information Centric Networking
Submitting Articles for a Review
Author submissions will be accepted through IES - IOARP Editorial SystemTM. In order to submit an article for a review, authors are required to create an IES Author Account. IES also offers other account types such as IES Editor Account and IES Reviewer Account. Further information on the submission process can be accessed on the Author Instructions page of this website or
Accepted articles will be published in the relevant issue of the journal on the IDL - IOARP Digital LibraryTM at IDL is a global gateway dedicated towards publishing high-quality research in a wide range of subject areas.
Abstracting & Indexing
Conference proceedings and journals published in IOARP Digital Library are vastly indexed and abstracted through a wide range of renowned indexing and abstracting services. For more information, please refer to the indexing and abstracting section of this website or write to us on
Publishing Programme
Please refer to the Publishing Programme section of this website to access a detailed plan for publishing of the journal issues and volumes.
About the IOARP
Journal of Communication and Networks is a brand of the IOARP - International Organisation for Academic Research Publishing. IOAPR are a UK based publisher and conference organiser that provides a platform to the researchers to explore and share fundamental advances, current state of the technology, outcomes of ongoing research and emerging issues in various subject areas through our conferences and journals. To read more about IOARP, please visit or write to us on