Volume 3, Issue 1, December 2023

Lightweight Secure and Scalable Key Sharing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Munir Hussain, Khalid Khan
AbstractWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) technology is still immature and thus faces a variety of problems due to limited memory, CPU and battery power resources. WSNs are prone to active and passive attacks. While the former is capable of affecting minimal resources, the latter type of attack is difficult to launch but very powerful in terms of affecting critical resources. Most shared key security protocols used in WSNs are not scalable as they depend upon third party or KDC. Although in some situations this concept works well, besides reducing scalability, finding a trustworthy third party is also very difficult in KDC concept of key sharing. This paper gives a brief overview of WSNs, posed security threats to these networks and relevant security issues. This paper also brings in a novel key sharing model for traversing secret key in WSNs that does not depend on third party concept and hence it is a more scalable and secure.
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Evaluation of Design and Security of the Network Infrastructure of a UK-Based SME
Daniel Jones
AbstractThis paper evaluates various aspects of design and security of the network infrastructure of an SME in the UK. It signifies how the best practices in network deployment from the literature can be used to acquire an efficient and secure communication network. The paper includes comparative analyses of a wide range of components of the network infrastructure, and different types of network diagrams. The paper also discusses various aspects of monitoring of the network infrastructure, highlights the critical parameters to gauge network performance, and demonstrates the use of different monitoring tools. The last section of this paper discusses security in the context of network infrastructure of the SME. It discusses various theoretical aspects of security, identifies various threats that could be posed to the SMEs, and a range of logical and physical countermeasures to protect against security threats and attacks. This paper can be helpful for the researchers and practitioners interested in the design and security of the network infrastructure of the SMEs. This paper can also act as a guideline for the users to apply the best practices from the literature to their own network deployment and management.
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Analysis of the Critical Aspects of M-commerce and Mobile Payment Systems
Munir Hussain
AbstractThe fast spreading of wireless technology services are more focusing on businesses area rather than targeting customers. Even now, this advancement in the mobile technology continues to bang the international business market intensely, modern mobile technologies and their applications are more focusing the mobile business area. Today, the world of electronic transactions is switching from E-commerce to M-commerce. In order to solve critical issues in M-commerce it becomes vital to understand different concepts and technologies associated with M-commerce. The first part of this paper gives overview of M-commerce in terms of their characteristics, applications, and issues pertaining to it, including many critical issues such battery power consumption in M-commerce transactions. Battery is one of the most important and scarce resources in mobile devices thus to extend the mobile devices battery lifetime, it becomes important to save the battery resource as much as possible. The second part of this paper focuses on exploring various aspects of enabling mobile payment systems, mobile payment modes and characteristics and the payments system requirements.
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Study of Network Design Considerations for Small Businesses
Michael James Wood
AbstractThis paper investigates the logical and physical network design considerations for a small business. Moreover, the paper investigates how a business facing data consistency issues may address the issue by implementing a network design solution and how networks can be monitored and protected from security threats.
Part one of this paper investigates the networking solution and networking topologies. Part two discusses networking infrastructure such as the purchasing of necessary networking devices to centralize the businesses data communications and background and foreground services. Part three of this paper discusses various aspects of network and data communication monitoring using a networking tool provided by SolarWinds. The last section, part four investigates a security proposal for the businesses network and discusses data recovery, malware and authentication.

SKEP & SEEKDP: Towards Secure and Energy-Efficient Key Exchange and Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks
Munir Hussain, Khalid Khan
AbstractSecurity and Energy are important issues when wireless sensor network (WSN) is deployed in harsh environments. WSN security becomes real challenge for the researchers because these networks are vulnerable to security attacks due to the broadcast nature of transmission. Due to the limited memory, CPU, and battery power of sensor nodes, traditional asymmetric-key distribution protocols are expensive and rather infeasible. Thus, only a very few conventional protocols can readily be used in sensor networks and key management schemes should be designed carefully to reduce computations power over the sensor node as well. In this paper we analyse existing Key Management Protocols like SPINS, SEKEN, SNAKE, Security Architecture for Mobile WSNs and BROSK for their vulnerabilities against Denial-of-Service attacks. In WSNs, where the most protocols working on point-to-point handshaking procedures to negotiate link dependent keys, this influences the scalability of the network, we present a novel protocol SKEP to construct link dependent keys by unicasting. We also propose SEEKDP a security protocol that prevents certain attacks, distribute keys, exchange information in an efficient manner and provide security by consuming less energy of regular sensor node.
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